Community Funded Cinema

Saturday, 9/21/2024

nukhufest is an esteemed celebration of artists and filmmakers that culminates with the annual announcement of the Best Nuvee winner.

Viewers like you help decide the Best Nuvee of the year by voting on

The Top 10 Finalists are announced on September 7th and the nuvee that receives the most votes by September 21st 9 P.M. E.T. is declared the 2024 Best Nuvee and winner of a $3,000 development-to-distribution grant.

Grant Information

Development-to-Distribution Grant

The nukhu development-to-distribution grant provides a $3,000 USD grant to one visual artist every year. This program provides creators with the resources to develop and produce original content that will be featured on In addition to the grant, recipients have the opportunity to have their idea incubated and further developed alongside our team. We will help realize your vision from marketing to distribution. We are here for the community and the creators dedicating themselves to their craft. This program exists to uplift and challenge the system that continues to exclude emerging talent. Artists may apply multiple times. The grant is awarded to the annual Best Nuvee as determined by popular vote during nukhufest. The deadline for the current grant cycle is September 21st.

An application fee helps defray costs of administering this grant so we can continue to support and fund artists' important work.

We notify each applicant of the results at the conclusion of our review process throughout the grant cycle, and we display the name and work of each grant recipient and a link to their website (if applicable) on our website and social media. To see current and past grant recipients’ work, scroll through our “About” page.

In an effort to provide potential applicants with more information about our selection process, review our selection process at We hope our catalogue of past films also provides insight into the wide range of creative efforts we consider. Artists retain all rights to their work. We are simply interested in celebrating and promoting the award winners and semi-finalist artists.

If you have questions, contact us through our contact form or email

We invite visual artists from anywhere in the world to apply.

We aim to select the strongest work possible. Markers for what constitutes “strong” include:
* A cohesive body of work
* Well-crafted work
* Well-presented work (with an understanding that artists have varying financial means and resources for presenting their work)
* Work that communicates its viewpoint, ideas, and concepts clearly, effectively, and creatively
* Work that is not derivative

Complete the application process by August 31st, 2024. Submit your film for consideration at

The 2024 Best Nuvee award will be presented on September 21st at the nukhu ball award closing ceremony.

Enter your film by August 31st.

nukhu shop
